Gorilla Newsletter 21 LeRandom Interviews Dr. A Michael Noll - LACMA interviews William Mapan - Sasha Stiles and Linda Dounia join ARTxCode - Piero's 16 SQRS - landlinesart's curve editor - Tezumie's code editor - Chris McCully writes about LUTs - Makio135 returns to Twitter
Gorilla Newsletter 20 LeRandom genart timeline chapter 4 - Melissa Wiederrecht RCS spotlight - Tracing the Line by Vetro Editions - P5JS Updates - Alba concludes beta phase - Now There's None of You Left by Xalted - among many other things
Gorilla Newsletter 19 This week we have a new article from LeRandom - an in depth article by Julian Hespenheide for his project FSM - pxlshrd's new project Rückkoplung - and an awesome article on Bézier Curves by Richard Ekwonye, among other things.
Style, Voice and Identity in Generative Art What is style? As an artist, what makes you, you? Moreover, how do artists find their own stylistic voice? Especially when it comes to generative art? In this article we have a look at the art of Shvembldr, Qubibi, and Aleksandra Jovanić
Gorilla Newsletter 18 This week RCS published an importent interview with Casey Reas and Lauren Lee McCarthy, Dmitri Cherniak shares a mini-documentary on his upcoming project, and Tyler Hobbs publishes a new article. Among other interesting reads!
Gorilla Recap 17 Your weekly dose of Genart and creative coding, with a healthy sprinkle of Tech and AI news. Big news from Fxhash, LeRandom chugging along nicely with their genart timeline and a cool project from the Hyundai Artlab. Alongside a mixed bag of interesting reads that I found on the interwebs.