Javascript Generators for Animated Generative Sketches In this tutorial we'll have a look at javascript generators and how they can be used for animating the drawing phase for our generative sketches. We'll cover everything from syntax to actually implementing a simple example using p5's draw loop.
Gorilla Recap 8 This week we made a lot of art! We talk about some interesting developments in the world of generative NFTs, watch Alba launch, discuss the future of Tezos, as well as the dangers of AI. And we have a look at what I've been up to genart-wise!
Gorilla Recap 7 And again lots of new things happened in the generative art scene this week! In this installment of Gorilla Recaps: we have a look at Piter Pasma's Universal Rayhatcher, stay up to date with Raph's creative code news #99, observe the launch of, and many other updates!
An Introduction to the Javascript Spread Operator In this post we have a look at the Javascript spread syntax, a powerful feature that was introduced with ES6 and which trivializes many tasks that deal with handling iterables.
An Algorithm for Particle Systems with Collisions In this post we will program a particle system in p5js from scratch. We'll mainly dicuss object oriented programming and delve into the necessary physics concepts to compute collisions, all while implementing a full particle simulation with P5JS.
Gorilla Recap 6 This week we released a new token on FxHash, programmed a particle system in collaboration with ChatGPT, and looked back onto 2 years of making generative art on FxHash. We also read some interesting articles about generative art!