Gorilla Newsletter 62 Basins of Attraction in Chaos Theory - Then and Now by Jasia Reichardt - Declarative Path Drawing - RNG Day - Tezos Collaboration with the Museum of the Moving Image - Tezos X Upgrade - Microfeatures in Blogs - Config 2024 +++ lots more
Gorilla Newsletter 61 A Particle based Approach to Conway's Game of Life - Fluid Sims in Web Assembly - Demystifying Generative Systems - Gearing up for a release on Koda - Hypersub News - Bjorn Staal's Entagled Aftermath - OpenSauce 2024 x Bantam Tools Drama +++ lots more
Creating Organic Blob Shapes with Circles and Tangents In this tutorial I'll show you how to create interesting wavy and blobby shapes by tracing around the circumferences of a bunch of circles. Throughout we'll tackle how to partition things with code, how to compute the tangents between two circles, and also deal with some tricky angle computations.
Gorilla Newsletter 60 The GJK Algorithm for Polygon Intersections - Optimizing Ray Tracers with Sebastian Lague - Turning Genart into Optimization Problems - Getting Fedified - Kaloh x Jonny Mack Podcast - Scribble Together by Minimizer - I/O 2024 Recap - Stable Diffusion 3 +++ lots more
Gorilla Newsletter 59 Kusakari's approach to Soft Body Sims - Quadrangulations in Video Games - RCS Interview with Roman Verostko - The 70000 Year History of Generative Art - Cara: Anti AI Social Media - fxhash kicking off Vertex with Bjørn Staal's Entangled +++ lots more
Gorilla Newsletter 58 256 Byte Raytracer - Vertex Shader Domain Warping - Amy Goodchild's Meaningful Nonsense - Painting with Plotters - P5JS ASCII Shader Renderer - r1b2's fit - JavaScript PNG Encoder - CSS Masonry +++ lots more