Has it already been 3 weeks since we started this newsletter? How time flies smh...
This week I rolled up my sleeves and made some improvements to the blog. I didn't really like how the header of each post was relatively huge, and changed that in favor of a more compact and information rich outline:

Additionally, now we also got an automatically generated list of headings that should make navigation a little easier. If you noticed, in the past I used to include a little index at the beginning of each post, which would take me a couple of minutes to write out and link up, but there's no need for that anymore. I do need to go back through the old posts though to remove them though.
Another addition: Automatically generated table of contents based on the heading structure! Using Tocbot 🪛
— Ahmad Moussa || Gorilla Sun (@gorillasu) April 25, 2023
I think it looks much cleaner this way! https://t.co/ZT07FfGsmT pic.twitter.com/II39m0qKVk
This list of headings is generated with Tocbot! A little JS tool that can be easily integrated on any page, try it out on your own blog!
But wait... there's more! I also got rid of linktree and built my own little about page. Not sure why I didn't do this way earlier 🤔
Goodbye linktree 👋 made my own!
— Ahmad Moussa || Gorilla Sun (@gorillasu) April 28, 2023
Would there be interest if I wrote about how to make a little list like this + hosting it on github pages? pic.twitter.com/7nDIXc9gnC
Thursday post will be about how to make a little list like this! It's actually just a couple of lines of css with some flexbox magic!
In other news it was Openprocessing's 15th birthday! What a wonderful website, I remember finding myself for the first time on the explore page and seeing all the fascinating creations that people had made. I lost myself there for a couple of hours just playing around with the sketches and taking notes on all the things that I wanted to learn how to make.
🌟Today marks the 15th year of @openprocessing 🌟
— OpenProcessing (@openprocessing) April 24, 2023
As I googled through its screenshots today, it is hard not to get emotional... 👇🧵
I had no idea I launched the OP in the same month as @Github. It was one of the only few code-sharing platforms online, with one big difference:… pic.twitter.com/ZbV9uKvAVg
Gorilla Articles & Sketches
- This week we only got one new post up, but it's a good one! I've been wanting to learn how to turn my sketches into SVGs purely with Javascript, without using any external libs. After asking some gen-art friends about their strategies, Julien Gachadoat chimed in with a complete example of how he does it. There's some super interesting stuff in there, check it here:

- Expect another post tomorrow, where we put on our art-history hats and dive into the art of Vera Molnar! I wanted to stick to my new biweekly release schedule (Thursday and Sunday), but Vera just did so much cool stuff during her career that it just wouldn't feel right to not provide a complete picture. Hence, see you tomorrow!
Interesting Reads of the Week
RCS: An interview with Dmitri Cherniak
There's also been plenty of cool stuff otherwise! This week I read this Right Click Save interview with Dmitri Cherniak where he recounts the early days of generative art in the NFT space:

Reading interviews of other generative artists makes me feel incredibly inspired, and I immediately want to get back to working on my own pieces. I haven't been making as much art as I would've liked to in the past weeks since I've been focusing more on the blog and getting it up to speed. I'm very happy with it now though. There's only a couple more things on my list that need to be done and then I'll dedicate myself to making art again. 🤞
‘Godfather of AI’ quits Google with regrets and fears about his life’s work
Back in 2018 I was wrapping up my masters. At the time my studies mainly revolved around ML and AI for the purposes of sound processing. I also did a little bit of image processing, because the models used for these two tasks had a lot of similarity.
That is to say that I had a pretty good understanding of the state of ML at the time. The GAN paper that came out in 2014 for instance, was ground-breaking and enabled solutions to many tasks that we didn't think possible with regular algorithms.
I wouldn't have guessed that the space would adavnce this much however in just a couple of years. I'm not scared of the tools themself at this point, but I'm frightened with the pace at which things have developed. If someone as knowledgeable about the field as Geoffrey Hinton is concerned with the state of things, then these worries must be Justified:
Tip of the Week
This week I learned a bit more about CSS combinators, that allow you to set up style relationships between different classes and tags. For instance, if you have class called content that represents the main div of page and want a certain class in this div to have specific style you can do it in the following manner:
.content {
// some style here
.content .text {
font-size: 20px;
This is called the descendant combinator, since the .text style will be applied to any tags with a .text class, no matter in how many other divs they are nested. There's also the child combinator that does the same thing, but only applies the style to direct children:
.content > .text {
font-size: 20px;
CSS just got a bit less mysterious to me.

Music for Reading and Coding
If there's one thing that Youtube does right, then it's its music recommendation algorithm. This week I rediscovered this instrumental Japanese album that I had completely forgotten about.
Okurimono is a japanese term that means as much as gift in english, so you might as well treat your ears and give this one a listen: