Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls One method for finding the convex hull of a point set is the Quickhull algorithm. It makes use of the divide and conquer paradigm, and builds the convex hull in a recursive manner. This post is a break-down of a Quickhull implementation.
Building an Embeddable Javascript Widget In this tutorial we'll cover how to create a vanilla javascript widget that can be embedded on websites, and is capable of executing javascript safely in an iframe.
An Introduction to Javascript Generators In this post we'll go over everything that you should know about Javascript Generators. Javascript generators are a versatile feature of ES6 and allow for interesting programming strategies, that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
The P5 Graphics Buffer In this post we'll have a look at the P5JS graphics buffer and how to effectively use it in your P5 sketching practice. We'll also create a variation of the 10 PRINT pattern that repeats seamlessly.
An Algorithm for Polygon Intersections In this post we'll work our way towards an algorithm that can compute convex polygon intersections. We'll also a method for intersections between axis-aligned rectangles, a function that can determine the intersection of two line segments, as well as a point in polygon test.
A Simple Solution for Shape Packing in 2D Shape packing is a popular type of sketch in gen-art, but is often trickier than it might seem when you try to pack anything more complicated than a simple circle. In this post we'll have a look what goes into collision detection as well as a strategy to pack any arbitrary shape in 2D.